Science Page

Why are we here ?

Where did we come from ?

Why do we get old ?

Scientist discovered only energy waves exist before us

Energy wave undergone constant vibration, accumulation, expansion, fission and explosion hence creating everything that comes after Modern quantum mechanics shows that the universe is made up of energy with different wave frequencies. High frequency waves become invisible energy, Such as sunlight, sound and consciousness etc. Low frequency waves become visible matters. Every human activity such as talking, exercising, thinking, sleeping etc is constantly consuming energy. If energy is not replenished in time,human cells would undergo oxidation and aging, due to time lapse and gravitational effects.

Scientific research has also confirmed that Energy is transferable. A comparatively weak vibration in one object can cause a strong vibration in another, this phenomenon is called resonance. On the cellular level, it is able to convert those excessive free radicals accumulated in the body to negative ions. This is a great discovery ! It shows that humans can regulate their energy, The so-called healing of the human body is actually derived from the absorption of the 7.83Hz low frequency energy that was transformed from resonance energy. On the physical level, it is able to turn malignant tumor to healthy muscle ( benign tumor ). On the cognitive level, negative input such as criticism could be received as somthing of a positive connotation.

After years of research, we have finally developed Leya Biotech's structural energy and vibration energy which share similar electromagnetic waves found in the famed five villages of human longevity. 10 years of research in the United State, the higher the vibration frequency, the stronger the energy ( E = hv ) Einstein's Planck Theory.

Are your cells healthy??

Human body are made up of 70 trillion cells.

Issues faced by cellular obstruction:

  • Virus invasion
  • Cells amount decreases with aging
  • Nutrition deficiency (cells are not obtaining the nutrients needed)